x-y scheme meaning in Chinese
- By means of the x - y scheme and three - dimensional of the cwt , finding the significant difference between the heroin addicts and the healthy persons , a primary criterion was obtained . upon which the 15 heroin addicts were identified and 2 healthy persons were misjudged . this paper have deduced and proved the theorems and formulas of the discrete mellin transform , and applied the cwt which based on the discrete mellin transform to analyze the pulse signals of 15 heroin addicts and 15 healthy persons
通过连续小波变换的二维及三维立体图,找出海洛因吸毒者与正常人之间的显著差异,并对每种基本小波的分析给出了初步的判据,根据该判据,独立地给出了相同的判断,均为正常人z01和z10被误判为吸毒者,而15例吸毒者全被检测出来。 - By means of the x - y scheme and three - dimensional of the cwt , finding the significant difference between the heroin addicts and the healthy persons under some scales and between some time - interval . a primary criterion was obtained , upon which the 15 heroin addicts were identified and 3 healthy persons were misjudged
通过连续小波变换的二维及三维立体图,发现在一定尺度下和一定时间段内,海洛因吸毒者与正常人脉象信号的连续小波变换有显著差异,并给出了初步的判据,依此判据, 15例吸毒者全被检测出来,而正常人z01 、 z10和z15被误判为吸毒者。